Drink More Water

8 Reasons To Drink More Water | And How To Drink More Every Day

8 Reasons to Drink More Water | And How To Drink More Every Day

I know you keep hearing how you should be drinking more water and that it is essential to your health. But WHY do you need to drink more water every day, you may ask.

We know that an engine needs coolant to function properly. With low levels, the machine may malfunction. The human body is the same in that the “coolant” is water. Your body will operate much better when well hydrated. When you drink more water, you will see the incredible benefits.

Read on to find the reasons you need to drink more water and why you need to.

Why You Need To Drink More Water

Regulate Body Temperature

Your body loses water through sweat during exercise and warm weather. Sweating keeps your body cool, but your body temperature will rise without proper hydration. When you sweat, you also lose electrolytes, which are important for many bodily functions. Replenishing the fluids that your body loses will keep your body’s temperature in check.

Increase Physical Performance and Energy

Proper hydration affects your strength and performance during exercise. Without water, you may find yourself exhausted and unable to regulate your body temperature. By staying hydrated during exercise, you will increase your endurance and have more energy. Water is the BEST energy drink around and has ZERO calories!

Maximize Brain Power

Did you know that water constitutes 75% of your brain? Do you suffer from a foggy brain? Electrolyte balance from being well hydrated is vital to keeping your body functioning at its optimal level. Dehydration may cause muscle weakness, fatigue, and confusion. Having enough water can also improve your mood, concentration, and short-term memory.

Aid In Digestion

Water is critical for digestion and nutrient absorption. Drinking water before, during, and after a meal will help your body break down the food you eat more efficiently. Hydrating also helps dissolve the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from your food. It then aids your body to deliver these vitamins to the rest of your body.

Your kidneys then filter out waste and toxins with urination. Having adequate water intake supports your kidneys to work more efficiently and helps to prevent kidney stones.

Drinking more water also helps your body avoid constipation and keeps the bowels moving by processing soluble fiber and fat. By eliminating the toxins in your body, you can avoid inflammation and irritation in your gut.

Move Better

Drinking water aids in lubricating and cushioning your joints, spinal cord, and tissues. Having well-protected joints allows you to enjoy physical activity and move better.

Being well hydrated also improves your blood oxygen circulation and has a positive impact on your overall health.

Lose Weight

Water is said to assist in activating your metabolism to burn more calories and lose pounds. When your metabolism is in optimum working order, it impacts your energy level and weight loss. Read Tips To Increase Your Metabolism for other helpful hints to up your metabolism for weight loss.

Improve Your Complexion and Lucious Locks

Your skin is made 64% of water. When you are drinking enough water, the dullness disappears, and your skin has a healthy glow. Adequate water consumption keeps your skin hydrated and may promote collagen production to further keep those fine lines at bay.

Your hair also benefits from drinking water. Your hair can turn from dry and brittle to soft and shiny when you keep yourself well hydrated. You may even notice it growing more rapidly as well. Water regulates the circulatory system that feeds the hair follicle and stimulates hair growth.

Have Fewer Headaches

When your body is dehydrated, the brain can shrink from fluid loss. This causes the brain to pull away from the skull, resulting in a dehydration headache. Once rehydrated, the brain plumps up and returns to its normal state, and the headache disappears. The next time you feel a headache coming on, try drinking a glass of water.

How Do I Know If I Am Dehydrated?

There are several symptoms to tell if you are dehydrated:

  • Little or no urine
  • Dark urine
  • Dry Mouth
  • Extreme thirst
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Lightheadedness

Pay attention to these symptoms and drink some water. If the symptoms don’t subside, then seek a doctor’s advice as there may be other issues as well.

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking?

There are many variables to know just how much water is the ideal amount. It really depends on how hot it is or your amount of physical activity. You may need a lot of water or enough to maintain the amount of moisture your body already has. These variables change daily, so how do you gauge your water intake?

A good rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day. So if you weigh 140 pounds, you should strive to drink 70 ounces of water throughout the day. If you are not accustomed to drinking that much each day, start to monitor your intake and gradually increase it until you are consistently drinking enough water.

Tips On How To Drink More Water

You now know WHY it is important to drink more water and HOW MUCH you should be drinking, but want to know HOW to get enough fluids throughout the day without it seeming like a chore. Try some of these tips to build mindful habits and increase your daily water intake.

  • Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.
  • Add some flavor- infuse your water with cucumber, lemon, or berries to make it more palatable.
  • Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Your body just went through a chunk of time with no hydration.
  • Have a glass of water between cups of coffee.
  • Keep track of your water intake. Aim to drink one-half of your allotted ounces in the morning and the other half by mid-day.
  • Set a timer to get up from your desk each hour. Get in 5 minutes of movement and a glass of water to keep you alert and focused.
  • Try a glass of seltzer water to change things up. There are no calories or sugar!
  • Have a glass of water at the beginning of each meal. Not only will you be upping your water intake, but it will also fill you up, so you don’t overeat.
  • Warm it up with herbal teas. Just be sure they are decaffeinated as caffeine is dehydrating.
  • For extra credit- eat hydrating veggies such as cucumbers and celery.
  • Try a “smart” water bottle that monitors your water intake and sends you reminders.

Final Thoughts About Drinking More Water Every Day

Water is important for nearly every part of your body. It’s free, it’s easy, and it has great benefits, so why wouldn’t you work to incorporate this into your life?

Throw back some water every chance you get and watch your health improve!