The Best Tips to Have A Positive Attitude

The Best Tips To Have A Positive Attitude

Best Tips To Have a Positive Attitude

Choosing a positive attitude makes one’s life full of possibilities. We all have the power to engineer our lives in a manner and attitude in which we choose. We might not all look forward to growing older, but aging is a reality we all must face. How we approach our passing birthdays will have a significant effect on our happiness and health, now and later in life. What are the best tips to have a positive attitude?

Below are the reasons why we need to work on our attitude as well as ways to have a sunnier, positive attitude. There are small steps we can all take now to bring a little more serendipity not only in our own lives but others as well.

Why Do We Need To Be Happy As We Age?

An article in Psychology Today states that having a positive outlook while growing older may help someone stay mentally, physically and psychologically younger. Who doesn’t want that? It is confirmed that having a negative attitude about aging affects both physical and cognitive health in later years. Other benefits to why we should start practicing a positive attitude now are numerous.

*Live Longer It is shown that by having a positive attitude, you may live longer- 7 1/2 years longer! Just think, the happier we are about life, the more of this wonderful life we will get to experience.

*Age Slower The less concerned we are about aging, the less aged we appear. Have you ever noticed that a person who is grumpy and wears a frown, has poor posture and just seems to look older? On the other hand, someone who is smiling and cheerful seems much healthier and has a better outlook on life.

*Age Better– A person with a positive attitude walks faster, thinks sharper, and remains more physically fit. When one’s body and mind are more active, it slows down the aging process.

*Healthier– It has been shown that those having a positive mindset have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes as compared to those with a negative outlook. Therefore, having a happy disposition also wards off cognitive decline so that we may live a long meaningful life.

*Just Be Happy– Being a happy person opens up opportunity and strength. Training your mind to be positive helps guard against any stressors and negative experiences one might have.

Why Should We Seek Positivity?

I remember walking into work early one morning. It was dark. The temperature was below zero and the roads were icy. As I was grumbling to a coworker about the conditions, he stated, “At least our job is inside”. He was right! We all have the choice to look at the positive in any given situation.

Cathleen Toomey discusses the upside of aging in her TEDx talk, The Secret of Successful Aging. We need to recognize and celebrate our age. Find your next purpose and reason to get up in the morning. Grow your friendships and get out of the house.

We are blessed to have longer lives than in past generations. Embrace this life with passion and positivity and you will live your life to its fullest. Let’s get started with some tips to have a positive attitude.

Tips to Have a Positive Attitude

Start Your Day Strong

Create your day and set the intention on how you intend to present yourself. Make a conscious decision on how you would like to feel for the day. My morning routine encompasses stretching to wake up the body followed by sitting down with my planner to prioritize the day. I then savor my morning coffee while I write in my gratitude journal, read my affirmations aloud, and set my intention for the day.

ACTION: Secure a morning routine that allows you to be thankful and set intention for the day.

Reduce Stress

Although we cannot do away with stress, and some stress is also a motivator, we can learn to minimize and manage the level of stress. Remember your morning routine? If we walk into the day with some direction and priorities, it helps to manage undue stress. Some women manage their stress with meditation, yoga, prayer, deep breathing, or a walk. Hint- I love bubble baths and a cup of tea. Take time to reflect and breathe. Stress is damaging to both the mind and body so be sure to find a way to manage.

ACTION: Find what relieves your stress and incorporate this into your daily routine.

Be Physically Active

Being physically active reduces stress and is highly beneficial to your physical and emotional well being. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and strengthens aging bones. A regimen of walking and strength training is ideal. Please be sure to consult a doctor to see what form of exercise is best for you.

ACTION: Develop an exercise program for yourself including both walking and strength training. Walk outside when possible. Discover new trails, boardwalks, and parks in your area, or taking a brisk walk through the city, will also get the blood pumping. If you can’t seem to get motivated, find a friend or walking group to hold you accountable.

Keep Your Brain Active

An active brain is linked to preventing or delaying dementia. Some people do crossword puzzles or playing games. Painting or playing music also keeps you active. Learn something new! Start a new hobby or take a class that may interest you.

ACTION: Don’t sit in front of the TV! Come up with a PLAN of the things you want to do and learn this year. This year my goals are to learn and build a website, learn to knit, learn to paddleboard, and learn to navigate the NYC subway system. I have put them in my yearly planner and have actionable steps to achieve them.

Have a Thriving Social Life

As we move through life, we have new experiences, interests, and needs in our social settings and our friendships change along the way. When I was going through my divorce and again when I moved to a new state, I needed to seek out new friendships that matched where I was at that time in my life. I discovered different groups through Meetup that helped me develop those friendships. I also enjoy keeping in touch with my closest friends from Colorado. Some people find fellowship by volunteering or at church.

ACTION: Continue to develop your friendships. Plan out activities throughout the month to keep social. Join a Meetup group or seek out a place to volunteer.

Find Your Passion

Make time to do the activities that give your life meaning. Develop your hobby or volunteer. Feeling useful can enhance your self worth and mental well being. When we were younger, our purpose was laid out for us. Some of us raised families or were busy climbing the corporate ladder. Maybe the kids have flown the coop or are getting ready to launch. Or maybe you are getting ready to retire. Invent your life to give your life meaning and discover your new passions.

ACTION: Come up with the activities and hobbies that you have always wanted to try, but have been put on the back burner. Find a way to give back to society by volunteering.

Show Appreciation For Others

Compliment others and thank them! By appreciating others and putting a smile on their face, it also uplifts your own mood.

ACTION: Smile and acknowledge people. Make it a point to make at least one person feel good about themselves today. Be the serendipity in someone else’s life!

The Last Tip You Need to Know about Living a Life With a Positive Attitude

As Henry Ford used to say, If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Along those lines, I like to say, whether you are happy or miserable, you are likely to be right. We each have the power to design our mindset and live a life with a positive attitude. We can choose to see an experience as positive or negative. Sometimes a bad circumstance may be a door for opportunity. You choose your perception and how you will manage the situation.

We have seen how having a positive attitude is key for our health and happiness both now and in the future. We know we have control to engineer a positive attitude through some minor lifestyle adjustments. Many of the items on the list intertwine with one another, so integrating these tips have multiple impacts. Start small and pick a couple of tips from the list above. Practice them until they are habit, then add another. Pretty soon you will be able to find serendipity in everyday living!

Here are the Best Tips To Have A Positive Attitude.  Why we need a positive attitude both now and in the future and steps to have a positive attitude.

Please share your tips on how to have a positive attitude here.

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