Best Tips to Practice Generosity| A Core Value
Did you know there’s something YOU can do to combat that feeling of helplessness? You can make a difference in people’s lives by learning to practice generosity.
An aha moment may be the realization that perhaps when you give to others, God or the universe may be answering someone’s prayer through you. Yes, you can be a blessing to someone in need without realizing it.
The generous person gives with no expectation but receives a great return. Offering this core value benefits you with the benefits of both physical and mental health and a general sense of well-being.
Generosity creates a ripple effect that inspires positive change for all involved. By caring for others, you not only assist their need, but you will also feel good yourself. Your selfless act also triggers others to be generous and kind themselves. Imagine how much lovelier our world would be if more people would practice generosity.
What is Generosity?
Cambridge Dictionary defines generosity as “a willingness to give help or support, especially more than is usual or expected.”
Generosity is the virtue of being liberal in our giving. Giving to others even when you don’t have to and treating other people how you would want to be treated is a simple way to express kindness.
There are many ways to practice generosity, from giving money to those in need to simple acts of kindness towards others. Some people use the excuse of not having enough money to give. Others may feel a detachment of responsibility from others’ needs.
Don’t let these excuses take away the joy you will feel from being generous, as all tokens of appreciation are gifts from the heart. You can start small or do other deeds that don’t cost any money.
Why Is Generosity Important?
There are several reasons why being a generous person will not only help the person in need but also help you.
Generous individuals report being happier, healthier, and more satisfied in their lives which allows them to be more productive both at home and professionally.
As most people strive to be healthier, it is important to note that giving liberally to others may also reap the benefits of a stronger immune system and reduced stress, which may ultimately increase your healthspan. Enhancing your sense of purpose wards off depression and helps you gain confidence in yourself.
In fact, “studies show that when people think about helping others, they activate a part of the brain called the mesolimbic pathway, which is responsible for feelings of gratification. Helping others doles out happiness chemicals, including dopamine, endorphins that block pain signals, and oxytocin, known as the tranquillity hormone.”
Stephen G.Post from Stony Brook University School of Medicine in New York states, “Many studies show that one of the best ways to deal with the hardships in life is not to just center on yourself but to take the opportunity to engage in simple acts of kindness.”
Sometimes it is the smallest gestures that can make the biggest impact on others. There are things we can do every day that touches others’ lives in a meaningful way.
Generosity of the Money Sorts
Some may choose a charity that is close to their heart to donate money to. If you’re just getting started with giving, you may look up charities online who would be very grateful for your donation, even if it is only $1.
Start small. Sometimes that little push can help build momentum in your life towards generosity. Perhaps you can pledge to write a check for $10 every payday to either the charity of your choice or your local homeless shelter. By doing this, you will give a significant amount over time, and you won’t even miss the money when you give consistent small increments.
Another fun way to practice generosity is to divert one specific expense for a month and give it to others. You might brown-bag your lunch or make your own coffee, saving those funds for a charity at the end of the month. Choose just one thing you can give up and give the money to others.
Simple Act To Practice Generosity
In addition to giving money to those in need, here is a list of simple acts that you can incorporate to brighten another’s life each day. Pledge to do one generous act a day for seven days.
- Hold the door open for others.
- Let someone go first in line.
- Spend time with people in need. Perhaps at a homeless shelter or nursing home.
- Buy a coffee for someone at the office, or pay for someone’s coffee while waiting in line.
- Give a book or music to someone and include a note of kindness.
- Do a favor for a neighbor.
- Bake extra cookies to delight not only your family but also enough to share with a neighbor or friend.
- Ask someone if you can help them with a problem.
- Send a handwritten note or thank you card.
- Leave a generous tip.
- Donate useful items.
- Write a positive comment on a blog post or a wonderful review for a deserving business.
- Pick up a piece of trash as you walk.
- Compliment a stranger.
- Box up your leftovers when leaving a restaurant to give to someone in need.
- Offer mentorship to someone.
- Collect your change for a few months and give it away.
- Volunteer your time. This can be at a charity, homeless shelter, or school.
- Stack your dishes to make it easier for the waitstaff at your table.
- Return your grocery cart.
- Give the generous gift of dignity by conversing with custodians and workers that are doing a good job.
Quotes To Live By

Affirmations To Trigger Practicing Generosity
Meditate each day on Kindness with these affirmations.
- I am a channel of generosity, peace, unconditional love, happiness, kindness, and positivity.
- Being of service to others is a generous trait I possess.
- I am generous with everything in every way.
- I give without expecting to receive.
- The best way to find me is to lose myself in the service of others.
- I am a generous giver and gracious receiver.
- I am a willing vessel God uses to spread unconditional love, kindness, and generosity.
- The energy of generosity returns to me as I share my prosperity with others.
- I share prosperity with those in need and watch it come back to me multiplied in many ways.

The Last Thing You Need To Know About How To Practice Generosity
As we have seen, being kind and liberal in giving is truly the gift that keeps giving. The question begs, if we are happier when we give, then why aren’t we more generous? Each day, life presents us with hundreds of opportunities to impact others positively. By practicing generosity, we can do ourselves and others a world of good.
ACTION! Now its your turn to practice generosity daily:
- Seek out generous individuals and spend time with them to fuel your own generous spirit.
- Start small to share your wealth gradually with those in need.
- Pledge to do one generous act a day for seven days.
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