How To Combat Aging in Women Over 50
Being in our 50’s is a great age to focus on longevity and proactively address a healthy lifestyle. By looking at the following areas of health and making some lifestyle changes, we can create a foundation for 50 more years of vibrant health and happiness. By continuing or reversing some lifestyle changes, one can even reverse some of the damage already done! Here is what to expect and how you can combat aging as women over 50.
What To Expect
Cardiovascular System
As we age, our blood vessels and arteries aren’t as pliable. This causes the heart to work harder to pump the blood through them. Our heart muscles then change to adjust to the increased workload which means our heart rate at rest will stay the same but doesn’t increase during activities like it used to. This may cause the risk of high blood pressure.
What to do:
- Include physical activity daily. That doesn’t mean you need to become an athlete or run a marathon. Simply add a daily walk or swim to your routine. Turn up the music and have a personal dance party for fifteen minutes. Do the activities you enjoy and mix it up. Just keep moving on a regular basis.
- Eat a healthy diet. Have your diet consist primarily of protein with veggies and fruit. Include whole grains and high fiber foods. My rule of thumb is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. That is where you will find all of your fresh foods. Just avoid the bakery!
- By following the above two recommendations, you can maintain a healthy weight which reduces the risk of health disease.
- Smoking contributes to the hardening of your arteries and increases blood pressure. Talk with a doctor if you need assistance to quit smoking.
- Reduce stress. I know, easier said than done. A walk, yoga, or meditation are great ways to help manage and deal with stress.
- Sleep-Your body repairs itself while it is sleeping which means it is repairing and healing your heart as well. Seven to Nine hours are the recommended amount of sleep for an adult.
Tighter fitting clothes and getting a little softer are issues we face as midlife women. Our diminishing hormones and a slowing metabolism are to blame for this. Don’t despair though, there are things we can do to combat our changing bodies. By taking action, we may even have a better, healthier body than before!
What to do:
- Physical activity, especially weight-bearing exercise, will boost your metabolism. The benefits of weight lifting work long after you are finished with the exercises.
- Eat a healthy diet and watch your portion sizes. Eat lean proteins and complement them with fresh vegetables, fruit, and whole grains.
Bones, Joints, Muscles
As we age, our bones shrink in both size and density. This causes them to weaken and makes you more susceptible to fractures. Your muscles may lose strength and flexibility so our endurance weakens.
What to do:
- Make sure you have adequate calcium. 1200 milligrams of calcium is the recommended amount for women over 50. Sources include dairy, salmon, broccoli, kale, and tofu. You can also talk with your doctor to see if taking supplements are a good choice for you.
- Check your vitamin D levels. The recommendation is 600 international units up to age 70. It goes up to 800 iu for those over 70. Sunlight alone (maybe on those daily walks) may provide an adequate amount of vitamin D. Food sources for Vitamin D include tuna, salmon, eggs, vitamin D fortified milk and supplements. Check with your doctor to see if supplements may be necessary. Get outside!
- Include weight-bearing exercises in your physical routine. These include walking, tennis, and taking the stairs. Weight training builds strong bones and slows down bone loss. The bonus of lifting weights is it helps raise your metabolism which contributes to weight loss! Don’t let the thought of weight training scare you. Check with your gym to give you guidance at a level that is right for you. Many times you can achieve these exercises at home.

Digestive System
The large intestine will have structural changes due to aging. This causes the system to slow down and may cause constipation.
What to do:
- Exercise to keep your system moving.
- Eat a healthy diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Keep hydrated by drinking water. 8-10 glasses daily are the recommended amount for adults.
Memory and Thinking Skills
Do you find yourself forgetting familiar names and words or find it difficult to multitask? This is NORMAL for healthy adults as we age. Don’t worry though. There are steps we can take to combat loss in our cognitive ability.
What to do:
- Physical activity increases blood flow to your whole body including your brain. Studies suggest that physical activity helps reduce stress and depression which affects one’s memory. Being active is also associated with brain function.
- A healthy diet with lean protein such as fish and skinless chicken helps your brain remain strong. Include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Stay mentally active by doing word games and your favorite hobby. Challenge your brain by learning something new. Explore new possibilities and look into classes either in person or online.
- By staying social, you ward off depression and stress which may contribute to memory loss. Go have lunch with friends. Spend time with your family or volunteer.
Urinary Tract
Like our cardiovascular system, our bladder is less elastic causing us to need to urinate more often. The weakening of the bladder muscles and pelvic floor muscles may make it difficult to empty one’s bladder completely or lose control.
What to do:
- Try and go regularly as to not tax the muscles. Schedule hourly.
- Avoid irritants such as caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.
- Avoid constipation by eating foods high in fiber.
- Do Kegel exercises. Squeeze the muscles for 3 seconds at a time. Relax for a count of 3. Repeat this 10-15 times in a row and do these exercises three times a day. Try doing them while you are brushing your teeth in the morning and at night and while driving home from work.
Eyes and Ears
You may notice a change in your vision, or you may be more sensitive to light. Your hearing may diminish. Yes, the loud music we listened to or loud machinery during our careers may be taking its toll now.
What to do:
- Buy yourself a cute pair of readers. All your friends are doing it! While you’re at it, pick up some stylish sunglasses to protect your eyes.
- Use earplugs and use them with or around loud machinery.
- Schedule regular checkups and follow your doctor’s recommendations for glasses or hearing loss as needed.
As we age, our skin thins and is less elastic. You may notice you bruise easily. This is due to lessened production of natural oils and your skin may be drier. You may see more wrinkles, age spots, and possibly skin tags. Don’t worry though, we can protect our skin.
What to do:
- Use a mild soap not only on your face but your body as well. Follow up with a moisturizer.
- Take precautions and use sunscreen and wear a hat.
- Have regular skin checks with your dermatologist and report any changes.
- Smoking contributes to skin damage and wrinkling.
Due to diminishing hormones with menopause, our sexual needs and desire may change. You may experience vaginal dryness as well. We can still have a thriving life with intimacy by addressing a few topics.
What to do:
- Regular exercise causes the release of sex hormones. It also contributes to flexibility, stamina, and our mood. When we are fit, it can contribute to our body image which makes us a bit more confident in the bedroom.
- Share your concerns with your partner and adjust your needs. Your partner may also be experiencing changes.
- Talk with your doctor to see how you can balance your hormones. He or she may also prescribe estrogen to combat vaginal dryness.
Final Thoughts to Combat Aging in Our 50’s
We can’t stop the aging process, be we can take steps to improve or maintain an active life. The thing we should do now is choose a healthy lifestyle. You may have noticed the common factors in most of the areas of concern:
- Daily Physical Exercise, especially weight-bearing
- Eat a Healthy Diet- rich in lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains
- Reduce Stress
- Get plenty of sleep
- Stop Smoking
Live longer even if you are starting these lifestyle habits in your 50’s and beyond. Have a positive attitude and smile. Start ADDING years to your life!