Finding Serenity| A Core Value
Serenity. Just saying the word brings the image of a spa like tranquility. Finding serenity within yourself is like treating yourself to walking into a spa.
When life is pushing you over the edge, you desperately want to grasp onto tranquility and to have that feeling of peace. By finding serenity, it will help you stay calm and true to yourself and also allow you to lead others with clarity.
Serenity, however, isn’t achieved without effort. Just as we need proper exercise and eating habits to have healthy bodies, we also need good mental habits in order to have peaceful minds.
Finding serenity requires effort, consistency, and commitment to the small and simple things of life to make it happen. Never fear though, by practicing a few of the tips below, you too can find serenity so that you too can conquer what is thrown at you with a calm mind.
What is Serenity?
The Oxford Dictionary defines serenity as, “The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.”
Achieving serenity doesn’t mean that our problems will go away. It simply means that we’ve chosen to make peace with our circumstances and won’t feel as troubled by life’s ups and downs.
You will develop the ability to cope and thrive in spite of challenges. Serenity means tranquility and maintaining a sense of inner peace and calm even in difficult situations.
Everyday Tips To Finding Serenity.
Recapture a sense of serenity even when life is falling down around you. Practice these tips to choose a state of mind and spirit that is free from agitation
Give Thanks
Continually give thanks. This can be done with a gratitude journal or just uttering thanks daily. Upon waking in the morning give thanks for the basic gifts of life. Do you have a job, a home, clothes? Give thanks to those around you throughout the day- the grocery clerk, someone who held a door for you, your child for making their bed.
Acknowledge everything good that happens to you.
Plant Something
Just by planting something green or colorful, serenity will creep into your soul. You get bonus points for planting something fragrant or flowering.
Stay on Track
It is easy to think serene and calming thoughts, but what happens when your mind starts to wander? Redirect your thoughts and get back on course.
Keep your mind in its lane so that you don’t obsess over past slights or get irritated over minor things.
Go Outside
Being outside calms our soul. Breathe in the fresh air and acknowledge nature around you.
Take in the view or sunset. Admire the landscape and enjoy the wildlife around you.
Get Enough Sleep
There is a reason the experts suggest 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Not only does your body heal during that time, our minds cannot think clearly when we are not well rested.
Have a bedtime and nightly routine and stick with it. You will feel more peaceful if you aren’t trying to keep your eyes open throughout the day.
What Are You Drinking?
Pay attention to the affects that caffeine and alcohol have on you and your well being. Are you jumpy or irritable from caffeine or have trouble falling asleep? Does alcohol make you anxious or depressed?
Being happy is more important than a coffee drink or nightly glass of wine.
Spritz a Scent
Scent can immediately give you a sense of serenity. Spritz your favorite perfume when you’re feeling blue. Maybe light a candle and dim the lights in the evening to bring your anxiety down a notch.
That sense of serenity we have when we enter a spa is no mistake. The soothing scents, calming music, and soft light lower your blood pressure and make it a place you want to be. Why not have this same atmosphere at home?
Practice Acceptance
Acceptance is understanding what you can and cannot change. Accept what is today and be okay with it.
You may not have your dream job at this moment, but if you accept where you are right now with the understanding that you are working toward your goals, you will have more serenity.
Be Kind To Others
There is no scenario in which being unkind to others will benefit you. If you are unhappy, look at your behavior. Could you be a kinder person? Build others up and be a helpful citizen.
If you do those things, you will be at peace because you’ll actually like yourself!
Watch Your Media Intake
Be sure you aren’t filling your mind with negativity and stress inducing media. What kind of books, media, and TV are you subjecting yourself to?
These outside sources affect how we think. Make it a mission to find media with a positive message or is educational.
You know that feeling when you enter your home when it is freshly cleaned? Not only does it allow you to rest, it gives you a feeling of accomplishment. You get that same feeling when you enter a spa.
You will notice that spa decor is minimal and natural to give you a serene feeling. Practice those same vibes at home to accomplish that peaceful feeling.
Be Quiet
Spend parts of the day without noise that clutters the mind. Turn off the TV background noise or enjoy your cup of coffee with the silence of the morning to gather your thoughts.
Enjoy Your Morning Rush Hour Commute
Yes, that’s right. Remember acceptance? You may not be able to avoid traffic, but if you schedule it into your day, it can have many benefits and you won’t be uptight when getting to work.
Plan for your morning commute by turning off the music and taking time to think. Another option would be to listen to your favorite upbeat podcast. Try something about personal development and being positive.
Quotations For Finding Clarity

Affirmations For Finding Serenity
- I now feel inner peace and serenity.
- I stay centered within and respond peacefully to all circumstances. All I encounter and interact with treat me with respect and kindness.
- Anxiety has no place here.
- I am joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
- I create a space in my spirit for believing I will receive what I need for the serenity I desire.
- Finding serenity will make me wiser, strong, compassionate, and able to handle whatever comes my way.
- I preserve the serenity I feel surrounding me by seeking out the good in each and every situation today.
- I feel compassion for the turmoil outside, and I feel gratitude for the peace within me.
- My mind is open and clear.

Final Words
The best practice for finding serenity is to pick one practice and begin. Take baby steps and work on that one thing until you’re ready to do more. Taking small steps in the right direction will ultimately lead to big changes over time.
It is much easier to calm the chaos around you and find the serendipity in everyday life if you find a way to have serenity within yourself.
Submit your own tip here on how you find serenity amidst the storm of everyday life.
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