How To Be HAPPY- a core value
Happy is a core value that we all strive for. People are always on the quest for happiness and fulfillment. Although we will have adversity, sadness, and anger in our lives, the desire to be happy and bring happiness to others is a strong value we seek.
Happiness is about being able to make the most of the good times and offset the inevitable bad times. It is about looking for the positive in all situations. Follow some steps below to find out how to be happy.
What is Happiness?
By definition, Happy is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. Happiness not only allows you to feel good, but it also has a lot of benefits for our health, relationships, and performance. People tend to live longer and are healthier when they are happy. Happiness plays a big role in our lives, and the core value of happiness can be a key element in how we live our lives.
Happiness doesn’t just happen. It comes from within. By learning how to tame negative thoughts and approach each day with optimism, you are more likely to be happier. You will also want to improve your health, develop and maintain quality relationships, and find more ways to bring a positive attitude to your life.
Why Learn How To Be Happy?
As June Silny at Happify tells us there are many reasons why you want to be happy:
- Happy people are more successful- Those that are happy are more successful in their marriages, income, work performance, and health.
- You will have more friends- Happy People are more fun to be with and draw friends to them. Social relationships are important because they offer a support system for us and allow us to feel validated in our lives.
- Happy people are healthier- They are less likely to experience symptoms of colds and are less likely to get sick. They also are more likely to exercise more and each more healthy. When you are happy, you are more likely to have good habits, which result in greater health.
How To Be Happy
Happiness isn’t something that just comes to you; we need to put practices into place and be mindful to be happy. Everyone has the power to make small changes in our behavior, our surroundings, and our relationships that can help set us on a course for a happier life. So what are some ways that we can increase our happiness? Here are a few tips to try to increase your own happiness:
- Control Your Negative Thinking– Although we all have negative thoughts enter our minds, we need to learn to manage those thoughts and challenge them. First, acknowledge the thought and then ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that can happen?” Ask these questions also: Could I be misinterpreting the situation? How might others view the situation differently? Am I basing this thought on facts or feelings? So often, we think of the worst-case scenario that doesn’t come to fruition.
- Treat Yourself Like A Friend- When you have negative thoughts, ask yourself what advice you would give a friend. Then apply that advice to yourself!
- Journal About What Brings You Happiness- Jot down the things that bring you happiness. Is it being with certain friends? Getting out in nature? Indulging in a favorite hobby? You get the drift. Then when writing in your gratitude journal, take note of what brought you happiness that day.
- Spend Time With Happy People- Happiness is contagious! By surrounding yourself with happy people, it tends to rub off on you. Also, be mindful of how you present your day and choose to bring joy to others.
Affirmations To Be Happy
- Every day I attract circumstances and situations that fill me with joy.
- No matter what happens today, I will find the positive in it.
- I awaken grateful for today, and I choose happiness.
- My life of joy begins now. I will find ways to bring happiness to other people.
- May my happiness be a gift to my friends and my family. I am happy by choice.
- I choose to focus on the positive rather than the negative.
- Many of life’s simple pleasures bring me happiness
- I can choose to be happy whenever I want to.
Quotes To Bring Happiness
- Happiness is a direction, not a place- Sydney J. Harris
- Happiness depends upon ourselves- Aristotle
- Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination- Bertrand Russell
- To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him- Buddha
- It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness- Charles Spurgeon
- Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions- Dalai Lama

Books About Happiness
The Last Thing You Need To Know About How To Be Happy
We have learned that happiness is vital to a long and healthy life. It is a core value for which we all strive for. To be happy, one must manage our thoughts and guide them to a more positive place. By following the above tips, I wish you to find an abundance of happiness in your life.