How To Find Clarity | A Core Value
In our lifetime, sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is clearly visible, but other times we are trodding along in life with no direction. Even when we have a clear vision, we can get distracted and go off course. Often we need to know how to find clarity and don’t know where to begin.
Life is full of ups and downs, and everyone experiences them. Don’t worry if you feel lost in a corn maze. You are not alone. There is a way to find clarity so that you can climb out of a swamp of confusion and march toward your genuine purpose.
Imagine a life with less confusion and doubt. One where you know exactly what you want and have determined the path to get there.
What is Clarity?
As states, “Clarity means clearness. Sometimes people talk about having moments of clarity when suddenly everything about a particular situation or even about life itself comes into focus.” Imagine your life when it is precise, clean, and easy to understand.
While having a precise plan about what you want won’t throw you off track once in a while, knowing what you want and your core values will help you steer back on your path easier.
Why You Need To Find Clarity In Your Life
With clarity, one has more energy, confidence, happiness, gratitude, and success. When one is clear about the direction they are heading and who they want to be, one can live intentionally. When you are clear about what makes you happy, healthy, and the kind of person you want to be, then you can be happy, healthy, and the kind of person you want to be.
We were all born with a unique purpose and need to take the time to reflect and dig deep to find that purpose. That’s not to say that our purpose doesn’t evolve along with us, but taking the time to reflect on ourselves steers us in the right direction. When you have clarity, then you will find your purpose.
Living intentionally requires having clarity on how you want to live your life. Without it, we continue to trudge along in life with no real direction or goals to accomplish. When you have clarity, you are more likely to stay on your path to living your purpose and accomplishing your goals while living out your core values.
Clarity helps us to focus and take action. It helps us to feel alive and energized. Lack of clarity causes stress, inaction, a scattered focus, and the lack of feeling vibrant. It can also lead to difficulties with relationships and in your workplace.
The Four Major Areas Of Life
See Brendon Burchard’s video about How Finding Clarity. He speaks of the pillars of clarity in the four major life areas that successful, happy, driven people have defined.
Questions people often ask themselves in this area are, Who am I? What am I about? What matters to me?
When you have defined this area, you are more likely to make decisions that support that and, therefore, more likely to stay on your path.
Questions in this area may include, What skills do I need to develop to so I can deliver more, be better, and accomplish my goals?
Become proficient and develop competencies needed to succeed in a given area of emphasis. Take the time to come up with a list of what you need to learn to get to the next step of your goals.
Social Interactions
How do you want to treat others? What values do you want to be remembered for?
By having clarity in this area, you will be more likely to have better quality relationships, which in turn deepens you to a more satisfied and joyful life.
Ask yourself, What’s the difference I want to make in my world? How do I want to give back to my community and world?
People who have clarity on the service they want to give will feel more connected, satisfied, and grateful for their journey in life.
Take Steps To Find Clarity
Create Space
Your mind has to process everything it sees. That means that if your home or office is messy, you are more likely to be distracted or have a case of brain fog. You cannot function optimally if your space is cluttered.
Organize your space and clear the clutter at least once a week to give your mind a chance to focus on what matters.
Quiet Down
Carve out time to focus on the clarity you want. You might try to meditate to cut down the chatter in your brain so you can focus on finding your clarity. If meditation doesn’t suit you, take a walk with a question in mind to ponder as you stroll.
Interrogate yourself and dig deep to find clarity in each of the four areas of life. You may also want to ponder which core values are most important for you to portray. Read Identify Your Core Values and Find Clarity to assist you in finding yours.
Additional questions you may want to ask yourself include:
- What is my mission in life?
- How should I plan my morning routine to move toward my goals?
- What are my core values?
- What is my financial plan?
- How do I need to improve my relationships, and what do I need to do?
- How will I get healthy, and what steps do I need to take to do that?
Write It Down
Once you have clarity to the questions you ask yourself, be sure to write it down. Daily journaling may bring light to certain areas of your life.
Come up with an action plan to move forward with your clarity. It may be to add things to your list, like what books you want to read, classes to take, healthy foods to buy, etc. Or it can be things you will want to eliminate or cut back on, like a toxic friendship or distraction.
Take Action
You have come up with your action plan. Now break down those components and put them on the calendar. WHEN will you check off the things needed to move towards your clarity?
Quotes For Clarity

Affirmations To Find Clarity
- My mind is organized and I find solutions with ease.
- I have clarity about my future.
- Today I am attracting clarity of mind and purity of heart.
- I don’t allow emotions to stifle my clarity.
- My inner vision is clear and focused.
- Today I awaken to my higher wisdom.
- I woke up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.
- When I know where I’m going, getting there is easy.
- My mind and heart are clear.
- I think good, peaceful thoughts; and constantly I welcome peace and clarity into my daily experiences.
Final Thoughts About Finding Clarity
When you have mental clarity, your mind isn’t cluttered with indecision, overwhelm, or worry. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to once you have a vision of what you want and how you want to present yourself. It is important to have clarity and the flexibility to evolve as our roles change throughout our lifetimes.
Having mental clarity is the best way to bring certainty to life. Make time today to contemplate your own direction, devise a plan, and then TAKE ACTION!