sunrise set day with positive mindset

How to Start Your Day With a Positive Mindset

How To Start Your Day With a Positive Mindset

The Law of Attraction states that what you give attention to and think about throughout the day is what you will attract into your life. That’s why it’s important to start your day on a happy note and check in on yourself throughout the day. If you want positive feelings to flow, you need to set your day with a positive mindset.

Tough situations and obstacles can get in the way, but if we are prepared with how we want to be, it is easier to face these challenges. We can CHOOSE to make it a great day when our strategies are in place to check in on yourself throughout the day.

If you start your day with a positive mindset, you are more likely to be happy and productive throughout the day. Prepare yourself the night before so that you are not rushing about and feeling overwhelmed in the morning. By choosing your outfit, making your lunch, and planning your day the evening before, you will have less stress in the morning.

Why It’s Important to Start Your Day With A Positive Mindset

Starting your day with a positive mindset allows you to focus on how you want to show up for the day. If you are feeling negative and have negative thoughts, you tend to focus on only those feelings. These thoughts and feelings can take over your mind and mood.

When you decide that you are going to have a good day, you will be more likely to have one. Being positive will improve your quality of life. You are more likely to try new things and have a broader perspective on things when you are positive, and your productivity will improve since you won’t be drowning in negativity.

Each of us has the opportunity each and every day to CHOOSE to make it a great day. By focusing on what is good and not allowing negative thoughts to take over, you can focus on what is important in the day. You can zero in on your objective and not allow the negative thoughts to take over your mind and mood.

How To Have a Positive Day

1. Be Intentional

Think about what your best self acts like. Be intentional about how you want your day to go and how you want to present yourself. When you make it a point to anticipate challenges, you can be prepared and intentional with your responses.

2. Be Grateful and Appreciate Others

When you consider the good things in your life, you realize that the other stuff just isn’t as important. When you start to feel overwhelmed, your mood begins to sour, or you find yourself thinking cranky thoughts, stop and focus on the GOOD things that are going for you. You might also find appreciation for those around you.

Stop complaining and recognize all of the good others are doing around you. Showing that you appreciate others is contagious. When you offer a compliment or sign of appreciation, it rubs off on them as well and brings a little positivity to their day.

3. Plan Your Day

Plan your day. First, start by doing a “brain dump” session. Put everything on paper…what you need to do, who you need to call, the ingredient you need from the grocery store, etc. When it’s written down, you can clear your head and focus on the task at hand.

Once you have it all out of your head and onto paper then you can begin to sort it out into categories such as:

  • work
  • errands
  • calls
  • paperwork

Go through these categories and prioritize. Finally, sit down with your planner and block out time for what needs to be done each day. Be sure to schedule time for self-care, exercise, meals, and relaxation.

4. Find Your Zen

Meditate each morning to create a sense of peace and get yourself into a good headspace. Be kind to yourself and concentrate on the good qualities you possess.

Consider a core value that you would like to work on and recite affirmations to support your goals. Find affirmations about positivity in How to be HAPPY |A Core Value.

5. Stretch

Feel happier in the morning by awakening your body with gentle stretching. Be more energized and release endorphins, which are the “happy” hormones, into your system.

6. Make Your Bed

US Navy Admiral William H McRaven says that “if you wanna change the world, start by making your bed. This will give you a small sense of pride.” Accomplishing something at the beginning of the day will give you something to be happy about, and if you happen to have a rough day, you will come home to a made bed.

7. Smile More

Smile at yourself in the mirror, even if you don’t feel like it. You will be surprised how this simple act can shift your mood. Then smile at others throughout the day. Smiling is contagious; it not only lifts your spirits but those of others as well.

Even if you fake a smile, it still has the same impact as a genuine smile and your positive energy rubs off on them.

8. Be a Part of the Positive Group

It is often said that you will have a similar lifestyle and happiness as the 5 people you spend the most time with. I always told my children, “you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.”

If you want to be fit, then hang out with fit people. Successful people seek out successful mentors to be around. Positive people gravitate towards other positive people.

9. Check Yourself

Stop your negative thoughts in their tracks. When you notice negative thoughts coming on, you can interrupt them and get back on track.

Set alarms on your phone a few times a day to remind yourself to check-in and see how you feel. Do you need to shift your thinking into more productive and positive thoughts?

10. Be Nice to Yourself

Finally, do something nice for yourself, whether that be finding time for yourself, spending some money on yourself, or doing something you enjoy.

We often get so caught up in our tasks that we forget to grant grace and treat ourselves. I hereby give you permission to make yourself smile and do something nice for yourself!

Morning Routine

My recipe for a positivity routine stems from three areas; gratitude, positivity, and productivity. When following my routine, I keep these objectives in mind. My morning mindset routine actually starts the evening before to set me up for an inspiring morning. I take an hour before I climb into bed to set myself up for success the following day.

The Night Before

Plan The Next Day

In the evening, I sit down with my planner and plan out the next day. This allows me to be productive in the morning, and I know what my day will look like. I also look at what obstacles or challenges I may face and plot out how I will like to handle these situations. That way, I am not caught off guard and can show up as my best self.

I block my time throughout the day and give myself time for self-care like taking a walk, phoning a friend, or soaking in the tub. I find if I don’t schedule these luxuries, they never happen but are oh so important for my mental well-being and positive attitude. Avoid overbooking yourself and block yourself some “grace” time throughout the day. Things often take longer than anticipated, and this grace time allows you to catch up.

I also layout what I will wear and plan or pack my lunch for the next day. This makes the morning much easier.

Time Frame: 30 minutes


After I map out my day, I make a cup of herbal tea. I sit in a comfy chair and journal. I find gratitude in the day that I have and write the serendipitous moments throughout the day. On those challenging days, it can be simply that I showered and fed my family, even if it was only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Journaling can clear your head of everything to allow you to concentrate on the positive.

Time Frame: 15 minutes


Following writing in my journal, I like to read and ready my body for sleep. Turn off the TV or electronic devices and read. Some people like to read material that helps them further their goals or something they would like to learn about. Some like to read fiction and get lost in a story. And other’s like to read self-help books to further their positive outlook on life. The choice is yours!

Time Frame: 15 minutes

Morning Routine

Drink Water

Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning to rehydrate your body. You have gone eight hours or more without quenching your thirst, and your body is thirsty!

Time Frame: 5 minutes

Stretch and Meditate

Do some light stretching to awaken your body, followed by some quiet meditation to set your intention for the day. If you think ahead about how you want your day to go, you are much more likely to have a good day filled with positive thoughts and actions.

Time Frame: 15-30 minutes

Jump in the Shower Then Follow Your Plan

Then get yourself ready for the day and follow your plan from the night before. Be sure you plan enough time in the morning to accomplish your routine without feeling rushed and to set yourself up for an amazing day.

Time Frame: You Decide!

Final Thoughts About How To Start Your Day With A Positive Mindset

In order to set your day with a positive mindset, begin applying these tips, and you will find yourself having more good days than bad. You will be able to stay more positive and prevent overwhelm. You will be calmer, less stressed, and in a better mood.

Start small and pick the easiest tip to begin. Then slowly implement the others that look interesting to you. Plan your morning and evening routines to not only be positive but productive as well.

To find out other ways to have a positive attitude, read these articles:

Comment below with your best tips to remain happy!