Inexpensive Beauty Hacks|Tips For Your Hair, Skin, and Nails
If you like to look your best, then you’re probably looking for ways to cut costs on your beauty care like I am. You can still look amazing on the cheap by following these inexpensive beauty hacks.
- Use your favorite lipstick as blush- Lipstick has the same ingredients as cream blushes so why have two products. Simply rub a dot or two of lipstick onto your cheeks and blend.
- Use your bronzer for eyeshadow. This will give you a sunkissed glow.
- In a pinch, you can use your concealer as a foundation.
- Use Vaseline or Aquaphor as a highlighter or brow tamer. Rub a small dab on your cheekbones to highlight and smooth down those brows with the small residue left on your fingertips.
- Your mascara can be used as an eyeliner using a small eyeliner brush.
- If you want to add volume and thickness to your lashes, take an eyebrow brush and dip it in loose setting powder. Shake off excess then brush the powder through your lashes. Follow with mascara. It will be like your lashes grew overnight!
- Use concealer for a matte lip. Dab some concealer on your lips and let it dry. Then apply your favorite lipstick. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also avoid the drying effect that many matte lipsticks have.
- Use baby powder for a dry shampoo. Unless you have white hair, flip your head over and apply to the underside of your hair. Sprinkle the powder lightly onto your scalp in sections and brush through your hair. This will absorb any oil in your hair and give you freshly scented and styled hair.
- Use hand lotion to tame flyaways- Rub a pea-size amount between your palms and smooth out your flyaways.
- Dryer sheets can also be used for static hair- or for your clothes!
- Aragon oil or hair oil can do double duty to also moisturize your face.
- Mix together a teaspoon each of honey, olive oil, and sugar for a lip scrub. Massage onto your lips and rinse.
- Do you have a problem with bumpy shave legs? Let a black tea bag steep in hot apple cider vinegar. Let cool and use the tea bag to rub on your legs. The tannic acid in the black tea soothes the skin and the vinegar acts as an antiseptic.
- Get a salon soft feet on the cheap by using salicylic acid or a callus remover lotion to soften the bottom of your feet.
- Baking soda face scrub. Blend 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda with a Tablespoon of your cleanser. Massage onto damp skin and then rinse. This will exfoliate your skin and leave it baby soft.
- Use PVA glue (plain white school glue) around your cuticles before you polish. Then peel off after your nails dry. Voila- no artwork going up your fingers.
- Use your whitening toothpaste on your nails to take out any yellow from dark nail polish. Rub a small amount onto your nails and let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse under warm water.
- You can also use Hydrogen Peroxide to whiten your nails. Make a paste of 1 Tablespoon hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 Tablespoon baking soda. Apply to nails and let sit 30 minutes. Rinse under warm water.
- Cuticle care- Soak your fingers in warm water for 5 minutes. Then push back cuticles using an orange stick. Mix 3 Tablespoons lotion with 1 Tablespoon of olive oil and heat for 30 seconds. Rub onto your cuticles and nail beds. I also rub the mixture into my hands and feet if they are dry and then put on clean socks or gloves and go to bed. In the morning you will have soft feet and hands, and pliable cuticles.
- To have your nail polish dry quickly, dip your freshly manicured nails into a bowl of ice-cold water for approximately 3 seconds. This will quicken the drying process.
- To get a matte finish for any color nail polish. Mix your topcoat with cornstarch. I haven’t tried this one, but it sounds interesting and matte nail polish is expensive!
- Avoid air bubbles on your nails by rolling the bottle of nail polish between your hands rather than shaking. Shaking the contents of the bottle results in the air bubbles.
- Do you have some older bottles of nail polish that are glumpy? You may be able to salvage them by adding a small amount of nail polish remover to the bottle. Roll the bottle between your palms to mix thoroughly. The polish will be restored. Game Changer!
These are just a few inexpensive beauty hacks for you to try. Share your tip below and be featured in upcoming beauty hack lists!

At Life With Laurel we empower women to navigate middle life with serendipity. I’ve found that many women struggle with knowing what to do during this transition and I want to put their mind at ease. That is why it is my mission to help women everywhere have a roadmap for middle life and find serendipity along the way. What my readers love most is the realization that with knowledge and a plan, they have power and can begin to celebrate this special moment in their lives. If you have enjoyed this, please share with others and check out these other posts: