Memorial Day Traditions| More Than Just A Kickoff To Summer
Memorial Day is much more than the kickoff to summer. It is also a day to honor the men and women who have died while serving our country. Many Memorial Day traditions have been around for years. You may choose to add some to your weekend celebrations.
This is also a weekend to gather with friends and family to usher in the warm weather of summer. Why not incorporate the remembrance of these soldiers into our weekend celebrations. Start your own family Memorial Day traditions.
The History of Memorial Day
Memorial Day started after the Civil War to honor our fallen military and was originally called Decoration Day. 1.8 million men and women have given their lives for America since 1775.
Many don’t realize that the first observance was actually on May 1, 1865. That event took place at the race track, Washington Race Course and Jockey Club in Charleston, South Carolina. The New York Tribune and The Charleston Courier reported that a crowd of 10,000 formerly enslaved people and white missionaries had gathered and had a parade around the race track to honor the fallen military of color.
Memorial Day was officially proclaimed a holiday by General John Logan on May 30, 1868. It was held at Arlington National Cemetery, where both Union and Confederate soldiers were buried. In his speech, General John Logan stated this about Memorial Day or Decoration Day, “The 30th of May 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion.”
In 1971 Memorial Day became a National holiday by an Act of Congress. It is now celebrated on the last Monday of May each year. This gives a three-day weekend for this occasion.
You can learn more about the history of Memorial Day at
What Is The Difference Between Memorial Day And Veteran’s Day?
Many people wonder what the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day.
Memorial Day– commemorates those who died while in the military service of their country.
Veteran’s Day- honors ALL men and women who have served this country. Veteran’s Day celebrates any American who served in wartime and peacetime, regardless of whether they have died or survived.
Holiday Traditions
There are many traditions that Americans honor for Memorial Day. Although this theme is one of reverence, most traditions are celebrations and uplifting in nature. Picnics, fireworks, concerts, BBQs, and picnics also commemorate our fallen military.
One might visit memorial cemeteries and place flowers on the graves of fallen soldiers. Volunteers decorate veterans’ graves with small American flags or red poppies.
The US President or Vice President usually presides at a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery and places a treat at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
There are many parades and firework displays that incorporate military personnel and Veteran organizations across America. Marching Bands and processions of Military service members and veterans are the main attraction.
One famous Memorial Day celebration has taken place at Gettysburg National Park every year since 1868. At the park in 1913, both the Union and Confederate veterans gathered for the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. This ceremony continues today and features a Memorial Day address.
The National Memorial Day Concert is held each year in Washington D.C. and is broadcast on PBS and NPR.
Did you know that The Indianapolis 500 is held in honor of Memorial Day? There is also the Memorial tournament, a golf tournament held in Ohio.

What Can Your Family Do to Start Your Own Traditions?
1. Fly Your Flag
Flags are flown at half-mast from sunrise until noon on Memorial Day. Then, the flags are raised to the staff’s top until sunset to honor our nation’s battle heroes.
If you don’t have a lot of space for a full flag, consider decorating your flower pots or house plants with small flags.
2. Place Flowers on Gravestones
If you have a family member that passed while serving America, have a ceremony to place flowers on their grave.
You can also visit your local Veteran’s Cemetery and place flowers on some of the less cared for graves.
3. Hoist a POW/MIA Flag
POW is Prisoner of War, and MIA is Missing In Action. According to the Department of Defense, more than 83,000 Americans are missing from World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War. Flying the POW/MIA flag reminds people of their sacrifice and honors their families.
4. Honor the National Moment of Remembrance
To make sure our troops are honored, the National Moment was created by Congress in 2000. Every American is asked to pause for just one minute to honor the fallen at 3 pm on Memorial Day.
5. Honor Your Fallen Family on Facebook
If you have family members who have died while serving, share their pictures and story on Facebook to honor them.
6. Watch President Ronald Reagan’s Normandy Speech
Ronald Reagan delivered this speech in Normandy on the 40th anniversary of D-Day. It is a beautiful tribute to all who have given their lives for their country.
Enjoy your three-day weekend to be with family and friends. Choose one or more things from the list to do to remember those who have fallen for America. Start some of your own Memorial Day traditions as you celebrate with your picnic or BBQ.
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