
What’s GOOD About Menopause?

What is Menopause and What’s GOOD About it?

It’s hard to even say the word……Menopause. The thought of menopause is steeped with negative stereotypes and many women have much trepidation when they anticipate this time in their life. You might think to yourself,

“What could possibly be good about menopause?”

Let’s explore why we should look forward to this transition! Of course, it’s not the end of your world, but it can actually be the beginning of a whole new enlightened world—one where there are bright days and limitless possibilities.

If, as women, we change our mindset about this phase in our lives, we can embrace menopause as a great thing. Just as in other aspects of our lives, we have the power to influence our experiences with our frame of mind.

If you view menopause as a bad thing, chances are you may experience more frequent and severe symptoms. On the flip side, if you enter this transitional time with a positive outlook, you may have fewer and less severe symptoms. I’ll bet you want to pick the latter of the two!

What is Menopause?

Before we know what’s good about menopause, first, we need to know exactly what this mysterious thing called menopause is.

The moment of menopause is 12 months after a woman’s last period. Now there can be years leading up to that where many experience changes in monthly cycles and other symptoms. That transitional time is called peri-menopause. Actual menopause occurs in the age range of 45-55, and some women are thrown into instant menopause if they require a hysterectomy.

Some of the symptoms that begin in peri-menopause can include hot flashes, irregular periods, night sweats, mood swings, bloating, sore breasts, weight gain, and sleepless nights caused by hormone variations and less estrogen in our systems. These symptoms can last 4-5 years, but (drumroll, please) decrease in frequency and intensity as time goes on.

Well, that just sounds like a barrel of fun, huh? But, just remember, we ALL go through this, and as far as I know, every woman has survived! So, again, it’s back to your mindset. And once you enter this time, the world opens up, and we can find that there IS goodness with menopause.

Menopause- What’s good about it?

No more Periods

For most women, this is the big daddy of them all. No more periods! Our grocery carts no longer need to be filled with tampons and pads. We don’t have to worry about leakage or debilitating cramps.

Guess what! You can wear white again!! No more guessing games as to when your period will start, and to quote a recent commercial, “no more what the gush moments”!

Shrinking Fibroids

If you are like many women, you may have developed uterine fibroids. These pesky little fibroids tend to grow with high estrogen levels and cause heavy periods. It’s like a massacre down there on a monthly (or more often) basis.

Those fibroids will shrink as they starve from low levels of estrogen associated with this time.


You AND your family are going to love this one. Can you imagine your life without breast tenderness, headaches, food cravings, and irritability?

85% of all menstruating women suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome due to fluctuating estrogen levels. Peri-Menopause can be a roller coaster of changing hormones, but once you enter menopause, they all level out.

Oh happy day!

No More Headaches

Sell your stock in pain medication as you can look forward to an end of headaches. Menstrual migraines are real. They tend to coincide with menstruation and ovulation. These menstrual migraines can be intense and even cause nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.

Spend less money on purchasing feminine products and pain reliever. Buy things that bring you happiness instead! And you will have more time to do so since you won’t be battling headaches.

No Pregnancy

Hooray! You needn’t worry about getting pregnant. Your sex life can go to a whole new level when there is no worry about pregnancy, and you can be spontaneous with your amour. No pregnancy, no periods, no cramps. That’s enough to make any woman feel a little more randy, if you know what I mean!

Start the Party

Menopause often coincides with the time our children are grown. This means women are not only in transition with their bodies but also their lifestyle. As a result, many women take stock of their life during this time and have a fresh look at what they want for their future.

Don’t be surprised if you have a surge of energy both physically and mentally. It’s like a whole new lease on life, and the party starts NOW!

Final Thoughts About Entering Menopause

Peri-Menopause and Menopause may have symptoms, but changing how you view them will help you through to the other side.

Now you can feel your best self and your family members don’t hide from you anymore. You can still request chocolate and ice cream from your family. Just tell them you still NEED it, so PMS Pam doesn’t re-emerge. They don’t need to know the secret.

Menopause, what’s good about it? Who knew menopause could bring so much joy? So enjoy your moments of serendipity, and let’s get this party started.

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