There are many people now working from home and struggling to figure out how to be productive amidst all of the distractions of home life. Whether this is a temporary situation due to our current world chaos or a more permanent situation for many, you may be wondering how to manage your work and home life balance. I have compiled a list of the strategies to work from home and be productive that I personally use.
Motivation can be low at home without proper structure. There are unique challenges about working from home such as where to work, when to work, and creating boundaries between work and personal life.
These productivity strategies for working from home may be for those who already work from home, own their own business, or have been thrown into this temporary setup.
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Advantages of Working From Home
There is no more commute time. That means you have up to two more hours a day! This gives you an opportunity to squeeze in an at-home workout or cook nutritious meals rather than ordering in or running through the drive-through. Refer back to your New Year’s Resolutions and you now have time to jump on a few of these.
This will also give you time to play with or walk your dog. My dog is ecstatic by my mere presence in the house and enjoys our lunchtime walk.
Follow these strategies to work at home and be productive. You will be rewarded by having the time to accomplish the things you have been wanting to do for yourself and others.
Challenges of Working From Home
While there are advantages of working from home, there are also quite a few challenges that we must conquer in order to be productive working at home.
At work, our distractions may include coworkers dropping by your desk, conversations with your coworkers, and going out to lunch.
At home, our distractions are laundry, meal prep, the fact that no one is watching how you spend your time, kids and pets running in and out and Netflix calling your name……
There are unique challenges that we must address as to where to work, when to work, and creating boundaries between work and your personal life.
Define Your Work Space
Whether you have a designated office area or a nook in your family room, be sure you have a defined work space that you work from. Some may choose to go to a coffee shop or library to remove themselves from the distraction of being at home. If you live in an apartment complex and have a business center, you may find it a respite from everyday distraction.
Once you decide where your work space is be sure you have all of the materials necessary to do your job located in the area. Getting up and walking to another room to get a pen and paper or charge your phone is not conducive to being productive.
If you are leaving your home to work, pack your backpack with what you need to work remotely. Make a list and check off each item daily to be sure you aren’t caught not having the right materials.
Music or white noise as background can be very helpful. Just make sure that the music you choose matches the task at hand. I use Apple Music stations and listen to the following:
- Workout Hits for getting ready in the morning, housework, and of course working out
- Coffee Shop Music Station for writing and general work day stuff.
- Frank Sinatra or Standards station for cooking dinner and winding down the day.
- Blues Station for the dog when I do need to leave the house. This seems to calm her anxiety.
Maintain Regular Work Hours
Determine and set your schedule to maintain regular working hours and stick to them. You may be fortunate to have a job where you have the flexibility to work in the morning, set up your children for homeschooling, and then finish job tasks when your children are occupied or sleeping.
Your job may offer flexibility so that you can run errands or help someone out say on Wednesday mornings and then plan to work those hours later in the evening after dinner. Just be sure you have a schedule set ahead of time so that you don’t lose your working hours.
If you are wondering where your hours are going, you can use a time tracking device like rescue time. It ensures you are sticking to your schedule and also tracks your most productive times during the day. This allows you to schedule your most difficult tasks during your most productive times during the day.
Set an alarm 1 hour before it is time to finish up. This allows you to start wrapping up for the day. Use this time also to plan your next day’s tasks and prioritize. Tidy up your area and turn off the light when it is time to be home.
My dog is crossing her legs at this point and very eager for me to take her outside. This also triggers me to leave work and begin my evening at home.
Morning Routine
Just as having routines set the structure during the workday, having a morning routine encourages order, productivity and is key to maintain your sanity. Your morning routine is also important to set up your personal day as well. When there is order in your home life, then you have a better chance of being productive while working there.
Get your day started early and don’t fall into the habit of treating your work day as a weekend day. Set your alarm, shower, put on your makeup, and start your day just like you are going into the office. I find I am much more productive if I treat my at home job like a business.
Make your morning routine your own and stick to the schedule. My morning routine encompasses stretching to wake up the body. I then savor my morning coffee while I write in my gratitude journal, read my affirmations aloud, and set my intention for the day. This takes about 30 minutes and allows me to slowly wake up with a positive attitude.
I then shower, put on my makeup, do my hair, make the bed and unload the dishwasher. This takes me about one hour. Now my home is in order and I am ready for the day set with intention.
Once I am ready for the day, I take the dog out to do her business. For me, coming back into the house is like stepping into the office and I am ready to start my work day. Note what triggers the start of your work day.
Jump into your first project right away. Getting a project started early gives momentum for the rest of the day.
Structure Your Day To Work From Home And Be Productive
It is important to structure your day to maximize your productivity. Working from home, you are your own personal manager. If you are temporarily working from home, use the same schedule at your home office as you do from work. For those working from home full time, I suggest:
- Work in blocks. Segment your time on your calendar into block sections and only do that task for the time allocated. This allows you to focus only on that task.
- Schedule a 10-minute break after each block to stand up, get a drink of water, do some jumping jacks, go to the restroom, etc. These mini-breaks trigger you to be ready for the next productive block.
- Plan well but be flexible. Some things come up that need your immediate attention that you may not have planned for. That’s inevitable. Just take the time to adjust your tasks.
- Plan your calendar a week in advance if possible. Then drill down and prioritize the night before as some action items may need to be shifted. Prioritize the three most important tasks and get those done first. I call that eating your vegetables.
- Give yourself mini deadlines throughout the day. This will increase your productivity as you strive to finish a task before the end of the time set. What will your reward be? A quick walk with the dog? A piece of chocolate?
Productivity Hints
Once your day is scheduled, there are a few more hints to increase your productivity:
- Your energy ebbs and flows throughout the day and only you know when you have the most energy. Do your toughest work when your energy allows you to be your most productive.
- Plan calls and virtual meetings in the afternoon after your big tasks are accomplished in am.

Set Boundaries
Just because you are at your home doesn’t mean you aren’t working. Sometimes people assume that when you are home you are free to chat on the phone, go to lunch, run errands, or do other tasks that you wouldn’t be able to do from a workplace.
Let others know your “working hours” and explain to them what that means. I ask my family to please respect those hours and call me when I’m not working. Of course, they can text me questions or call me if it is truly a time-sensitive matter- just like if I were at an office.
If you have kids that come home while you are still working, set the boundaries of what they can do during the rest of your work day. Take a break and greet them, then maybe they can get a snack, play outside, or do their homework. Do the laundry, fix dinner, etc-I know, that’s wishful thinking!
Take Breaks
Be sure to schedule your breaks into your planner each day. As previously stated, it is important to step away during the day to refresh and switch gears to the next task at hand.
Be careful not to get in the habit of grazing throughout the day as it is convenient with the refrigerator right there! Plan your meals like you would if you are working from the office. Prepare them the night before just like you would when working outside the home. Grazing throughout the day and preparing lunch during the middle of the day are real time zappers.
To keep your spirits high, interact with other humans. Go outside during lunch or when it is time to stop working. Talk to people and set up time to see your friends. Working from home can be lonely and isolating if you don’t consciously interact with others.
Treat yourself on Fridays to a quick lunch out with a friend. Working from home has a lot of advantages and rewarding yourself after a productive week should be one of them!
The Last Thing You Need To Know To Work From Home And Be Productive
Working from home can be both challenging and rewarding. By maximizing your time and using these tips, you may find yourself being even more productive than ever! Your home will be in order and you will shine at work.
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