Learn the steps you should take NOW to prep for retirement.
Learn the steps you should take NOW to prep for retirement.
Do you want to find serendipity while navigating midlife transition?
We can help with that. Here’s what to do next:
Get your FREE Guide
Not sure where to begin while entering this next transition? Get our “Prep For Retirement Guide” to learn what steps to take NOW to prepare for retirement.
Need help right now?
Find “What You should be Doing in Midlife to be Happy” and discover how to embrace this next stage in your life.
Ready to dig deeper?
Discover your core values in “Identify Your Core Values and Find Clarity”. Shape your life so that you can find serendipity in everyday life.

Hello, I’m Laurel!
Midlife is a new adventure and has new opportunities. While we look into this unchartered territory and answer all of the unknown questions about midlife, we also want to find serendipity and joy each day. Serendipity, by definition, is the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. I mean really, shouldn’t we have fun in this life and practice looking for those unexpected moments of happiness?
By answering the questions we all have about midlife I would like to provide a roadmap about the subjects concerning midlife. With knowledge comes confidence and peace. This time in our journey allows us the opportunity to reinvent ourselves and capture joy along the way! My goal is to empower women to navigate this new adventure of midlife with serendipity.
You can find out more about me and what we do HERE .
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