happy in midlife

What You Should Be Doing In Midlife To Be Happy

What You Should Be Doing In Midlife To Be Happy

The term Midlife does not have a glamorous reputation. Middle age brings up thoughts of creaky joints, a sagging face, and the thought that it’s all downhill from here.

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. Your mindset can be formed to move forward and enjoy the best part of your life with a positive attitude. Before you turn into a grumpy and miserable grouch, practice these ideas on what you should be doing in midlife to be happy.

Midlife is a period of transition. You may find yourself holding onto earlier images of yourself while at the same time forming new ideas about your future self. Greater awareness of our aging joins our feelings of youth. By recognizing the natural stages of one’s life, one can make sense of your feelings of change. The midlife transition need not be a crisis.

Think of this transitional time as a time to start fresh. We are not going to do our 50’s the way everyone is telling us what we are supposed to do!

What is Considered Middle Age?

Oxford Dictionary defines middle age as: “The period between early adulthood and old age, usually considered as the years from about 45-65.

Our parent’s generation may consider middle age as 35-40, but that’s no longer the case. As time goes by, our life expectancy has increased making middle age much later. It is no longer a numerical milestone, but rather a state of mind. Everyone is different. At 50, we are only halfway through and we can begin the second chapter of our lives!

Why You Should Be Happy in Midlife

When you look to be happy during this transition, you will find there are advantages to being middle-aged. As you have matured, you can be confident with yourself.

  • You now love and accept yourself just the way you are.
  • You have learned to not care what others think or say about you.
  • Have you noticed that your skin is clearer and you don’t have to wash your hair as often?
  • No more little ones to chase after. You can now look forward to grandbabies to spoil in the future.
  • Now that the kids are grown, the house stays cleaner longer. Less housework makes my heart sing!
  • You are confident in yourself and who you are. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone.
  • Enjoy seeing your children succeed as adults.
  • Menopause!! Need I say more?
  • You have the opportunity to make new friends while maintaining prior friends.
  • People pay you more respect and enjoy your sage advice.
  • You can now enjoy slowing down and taking time to relax.
What You should be Doing Now to be Happy in Midlife

What You Should Be Doing in Midlife To Be Happy

Here are just a few things you can do to be happy in Midlife.

Be a Rookie

No matter what stage of life you are in, you should be a rookie at something. Trying new things and even failing at some will keep you robust.

Make a list of different things to try and do and then put them on the calendar and begin doing them. Always have something new and challenging in your life.

Mix It Up

We often find ourselves in a rut doing the same things over and over or going to the same restaurants. Try and mix it up a bit to add some excitement.

Try a new hobby or peruse the internet for things to do in the community that you haven’t done before.

Consider exploring a new hiking trail or travel somewhere different.

Add these new things to your list!

Pay Attention

Two of the biggest threats to a seasoned marriage are boredom and mutual neglect. As the kids are growing, make time to rekindle your relationships. Be present in your conversation with your significant other. Come up with new things you both want to try and places to explore together.

Be cautious to not become complacent and then add punctuation to your life.

Midlife is an opportune time to begin reshaping how you want to live your lives together and dream. Don’t just think of the future, but what you can do now in midlife to be happy.

Wear Comfy Shoes

Yay! It’s okay to wear comfortable shoes. You no longer need to feel pressure to wear those painful although beautiful shoes. Now you don’t need to give up your appearance or fashion. You can just choose to wear a lower heel, comfortable flat, or a stylish wedge with confidence.

Dress the way that YOU want to, not what the magazines and celebrities are telling you to wear. Develop your own signature style and don’t listen to those saying what you should be wearing “at your age.” And if that means you enjoy rocking those stilettos then do it!

BFF’s Old and New

Friendships come and go throughout our life. Our circumstances change, our kids grow, and our interests change, but everyone needs good friends in midlife to be happy

Continue your core friendships from long ago, but also seek out new pals as you transition.

It may seem that it was easier to make friends in years past- school, college, parents of our children’s friends, etc. I guarantee there are others out there that are also looking for meaningful friendships.

Consider being active in your neighborhood or community. Start a neighborhood Friday Afternoon Club or Monthly Ladies Night Out. Look at Meetup for groups that share your same interests or try something new.

Invite Friends Over

Do you remember the pressure of getting all dressed up to go bar hopping with your friends every weekend? It is now more fun to play cards in a girlfriend’s kitchen than go to the bar.

So put on your comfy clothes, take out a bottle of wine and hang with your friends. You don’t even have to cook. Order in take-out, but don’t forget the ice cream!

Enjoy Your Kids

Now that the kids have grown out of the phase where you are extremely embarrassing to them, you can enjoy them. You may find that they are actually interesting people that you can have a meaningful conversation with.

You might find that you like doing things together and you don’t have to fight over them cleaning their room.


Perhaps the best way to be happy in midlife is to reflect and dream. Explore and accept your feelings by allowing yourself to reflect on a regular basis.

Dream about what you want from your life and reflect on how you are feeling. Take care of your mental health. If you are struggling, then please join a group or seek out a therapist if necessary.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Being Happy in Midlife…

At this phase in your life, you may feel calmer and can appreciate every day.

Delve into that list to be happy in midlife. Devote extra time to your partner, set new goals, discover new hobbies, travel, volunteer, spend time with your family and friends.

Keep a positive attitude and just remember that middle means in the middle, not the end!

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